God wants more of Him to be present in you. He wants for you to not trust in yourself and lean on your own understanding of what you "FEEL" is right, or what you "THINK" is right. He can provide you with His joy and His peace and His understanding, however, none of this can be obtained by us trying to please Him and obtain His joy, peace, and understanding ourselves. We must rely on His Word (The inspired Word of God
The BIBLE says that we are to lay down our lives to follow after JESUS (Luke 9:23-24). That is laying down how you feel about a situation, laying down what you think is OK with God, laying down your own understanding of how loving God is (many say that God is loving I am a good person so...yada yada yada BULL CRAP!!), when you hear, feel, think or read ANYTHING, your next step is to go to God's Word and align what information you have come across with His Word. God gave us His Word and it is sufficient to provide us (humanity) with the answer to every question that we need an answer for while we are living here on this planet. Apart from JESUS we are seperated from God and will always be. JESUS said why call me LORD LORD and not do the things that I say (Luke 6:46), and let's THINK, how can we really know what JESUS says to do without reading God's Word??